170th Congress of the Mexican Institute of Acoustics

2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics
2ª Reunión Panamericana/Ibérica de Acústica
Cancún, México 15–19 November 2010

160th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

70th Congress of the Iberoamerican Federation of Acoustics

Tutorial and Special Session on
Forensic Voice Comparison
and Forensic Acoustics

For general meeting information please go to

Tutorial and Special Session website

Tutorial and Special Session organized by
Geoffrey Stewart Morrison

last update
29 January 2011


In February 2009 the National Research Council (NRC) Report to Congress on Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States found that:

Over the last decade, a small number of researchers (principally in Australia, Spain, and Switzerland) have been working on developing demonstrably valid and reliable forensic voice comparison with evidence evaluated using the same framework as is applied to the evaluation of DNA evidence.

Meanwhile in the Americas there has been little interest in this field of research.

The NRC report gives a new impetus for conducting forensic voice comparison research and holds out the hope for new funding opportunities in this area.

The 2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics provides an excellent opportunity to bring together researchers from Iberia and other parts of the world with researchers from the Americas to help foster research in this area in the Americas.

It also provides a venue for an exchange of ideas between researchers working on acoustic-phonetic and signal-processing approaches to forensic voice comparison.


Monday 15 November 2010, 7:00–9:00 pm
Coral Kingdom 2/3

The tutorial will present an introduction to the forensic evaluation of acoustic evidence using the same framework as is applied to the evaluation of DNA evidence.

Both acoustic-phonetic and signal-processing approaches to forensic voice comparison will be described.

The focus will be on evidence in the from of voice recordings, but the evaluative framework can also be applied to other forms of evidence, including audio recordings of other types of acoustic events, and the tutorial should therefore be of value to anyone interested in forensic acoustics in general, not just forensic voice comparison.


Both presenters are invited lecturers in the Judicial Phonetics Specialization in the Masters in Phonetics and Phonology Program of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Spanish National Research Council] / Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.

They previously presented a similar tutorial at the International Speech Communication Association’s Intespeech 2008 conference.

The tutorial will be presented in English, but both presenters can also field questions in Spanish.

Lecture notes:

A pdf of the slides for the tutorial presentation is available here (updated 14 Nov 2010).

In conjunction with this tutorial, the publisher of Morrison’s new introduction to forensic voice comparison

will make pdf downloads available at half-price between 8 November and 3 December 2010. When ordering use promotion code:  EEF2010

For more information see http://expert-evidence.forensic-voice-comparison.net/

ASA Forensic Acoustics Group

Tuesday 16 November 2010, 7:30–9:30 pm
Coral Kingdom 1

Meeting to propose the establishment of and organize a Forensic Acoustics Group within the Acoustical Society of America.

Special Session

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Sponsored by the Speech Communication Technical Committee.

Papers and posters on acoustic-phonetic and signal-processing approaches to demonstrably valid and reliable forensic evaluation of audio recordings of human voices and other acoustic events.

Invited presentations:

Wednesday 17 November 2010, 8:00–11:40 am
Grand Coral 1A

Lecture presentations listed in order of presentation.

(Break 10:10–10:25)

Contributed presentations:

Wednesday 17 November 2010, 1:00–3:00 pm
Grand Coral 3

All posters will be on display from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. To allow contributors an opportunity to see other posters, contributors of odd-numbered papers will be at their posters from 1:00 to 2:00 pm and contributors of even-numbered papers will be at their posters from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

Other presentations:

Tuesday 16 November 2010, 8:05–8:45 (the day before the Special Session)
Coral Garden 1

The following presentations are not part of the Special Session on Forensic Voice Comparison and Foresnic Acoustics, but are related to forensic voice comparison.

Press Room

The following papers related to the Tutorial and Special Session have been included in the Acoustical Society of America’s World Wide Press Room:


Acoustical Society of America

Iberoamerican Federation of Acoustics – Federación/Federação Iberoamericana de Acústica

Mexican Institute of Acoustics – Instituto Mexicano de Acústica

Forensic Voice Comparison parent website